I'm really happy with the new types of lettuce I am growing this year. They are all the colours I love to see in a salad bowl. Conquistador Romaine, Esmeralda Butter Lettuce, and Merlot Looseleaf Lettuce. I'm enjoying my Globe radishes too.
I love salad and I can't get enough of any lettuce leaf that is red or purple in colour that contrasts so beautifully with various shades of it's green leafy friends. I am a bit of a snob when it comes to the perfect leaf. I have a strong dislike for the "mixed" lettuce that comes in the giant plastic tub from the super market. To me, it tastes bitter, flavourless and old. It's much better to by whole heads of lettuce and fresh herbs to mix and match as I go.
But seriously, nothing is better than harvesting baby lettuce leaves straight from my back garden. These sweet, tender little morsels tossed with crisp radishes for an extra bite are what I live for after the long rainy winters on the west coast.