I've been to the Potala Palace, walked around his living quarters and even took pictures of the cat living amongst the relics of Buddhist history. Tibet is a long way from Vancouver but some how the Dalai Lama has showed up on my door step with blessings and greetings for all. I received a phone call from an excited husband telling me to get my shoes on and get down to Canada Place A.S.A.P. So I did. I scrambled to find the camera and a white scarf I had brought back from Lhasa but only found the camera and headed out the door. I made it just in time to.....wait. I waited patiently with tourists, Buddhists and security guards to catch a glimpse of a man I have read and heard so much about. I don't know how long I waited but when he arrived, there was almost complete silence as he walked the red carpet going through the usual rituals. He waved to the crowds wearing a smile and with out delay, he turned his back and walked into the coolness of the hotel. He was gone. It was over so fast; I didn't have time to really take it in. But from what I saw, the 14th Dalai Lama looked exactly the way I had pictured him. I left feeling a peace I couldn't find in the dark, quiet monasteries of Tibet.
Sure was impressed with your experience and the words you used. You are certainly a talent.
Sure was impressed with your experience and the words you used. You are certainly a talent.
Sure was impressed with your experience and the words you used. You are certainly a talent.
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