18 October 2011

Southlands Heritage Farm

Just when I think I know my city, I find my self in a tucked away corner that I've never been before.   Our friends invited us out to the Southlands Heritage Farm for a barbecue and to watch her do some equestrian training.  It felt like we couldn't be further away from the city, yet we never left the city limits.

16 October 2011

Anna Emilia

My friend posted this illustration on her blog filly + foal because it looked so much like her daughter and herself.  I agree.  It's such a beautiful illustration and its slightly uncanny nature to the resemblance of living people I know, I couldn't help but to post it too. 

Anna Emilia is an illustrator from Finland and after briefly being introduced, I am already a big admirer of her work.  I love the colour palette she uses and her sense of whimsy.  As I was looking through her work I recognized one of her illustrations that was recently published in the Kinfolk Magazine

I always have this epiphany moment when I can make a connection to an artist.  

12 October 2011

Lazy Rainy Saturday

Sometimes it's nice to be lazy on those particularly cold rainy days.

03 October 2011

Tanya's Tomatoes

My Friend Tanya moved to Vancouver Island in August and left me with a giant tomato plant.  It looked like a monster sprawled out across my patio with an explosion of green tomatoes.  I pruned it up, tied the stems and hoped for the best....

Now I am enjoying the fruits of her labour.  It's been a good season nourishing my family with life from the garden.  

Infiniti G35

 Try shoving a baby car seat into this...

Pretty darn hilarious if you ask me.  What kind of mom drives this around?  A mom whose dodge caravan broke down and is left with her 20 something brother-in-law's vehicle.  It's an awkward dance getting in and out with Georgia.  Won't the  boys at Banyan's preschool be impressed when I go to pick him up later? 
